1. The Sri Lankan woman you see in the photograph had been working at the IMF
since 1984 till she recently retired in September this year. She worked as the Senior assistant to several IMF managing directors including the controversial Dominique Strauss-Kahn. What is her name?
3. The ASEAN day is celebrated on August 8 every year to celebrate the Association's origin in 1967. Founding document of ASEAN was signed by the original 5 member nations namely Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand. What is the name used to refer to the founding document of ASEAN?
4. Currently there are 10 memeber nations in ASEAN. ( Brunei, vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar plus the original five). However negotiations are underway to admit two new countries into the association. What are these 2 countries?
The English actor you see in the picture played many popular roles including Gollum in Lord of the Rings trilogy, King Kong in the 2005 remake and the character of the Chimpanzee Caesar in the 2011 movie Rise of the planet of apes. Can you identify him?
7. In which Shakespeare play do you find the famous lines "To be or not to be, that is the question"?
8. In which city would you find the Uffizi art gallery, home to some of the world's finest paintings?
9. In which country would you find lake Balkash?
This painting by Sandri Botticelli is currently placed in the Uffizi art gallery. Can you identify it?
11. The Kingdom of Denmark consists of Denmark and two other self governing dependencies. One of them is Greenland. What is the name of the other island group situated between the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic ocean?
12. A high IQ society is an organization which limits its membership to people who are within a certain high percentile of Intelligence Quotient. What is the name of the oldest and the largest high IQ society of the world founded in 1946?
14. This musical group which topped the musical charts between 1972 to 1982 was the first pop group to come from a non English speaking country (namely Sweden) and to enjoy consistent success in the charts of the English speaking countries. They are the fourth best selling music artists in the history of recorded music behind only Elvis Presley, The Beatles and Michael Jackson. What was the name of this band?
15. Who won the 1973 tennis match 'Battle of the sexes' defeating Bobby Riggs. She was also an advocate against sexism in sports and society?
Answers to the questions of last week
1. J.D.A. Perera art Gallery
2. Equatorial Convention Centre - Addu city
3. Anoka Primrose Abeyrathne
4.Dr. Hannibal Lecter or Hannibal the Cannibal
5. Hideki Yukawa
6. Harper Lee
7. Joe Frazier
8. The Card Players
9.Enriquetta Basilio
10. river Po
11. 1564
12. Narcissus
13. O5th of November 1605
14. Fathimath Dhiyana Saeed
15. Lake Vostok
i know only two answers
ReplyDelete10.Birth of Venus
15.Billie Jean King
Not Bad Malli. Try to Keep up
10. The Birth of Venus
13. Deep blue
14. ABBA.
15. Billy Jean King
You got 6.
ReplyDelete2.1976 not 78
8. Florence(Italy is one hell of a Country)